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CT PGA Junior Golf Association
New or Returning Member? Sign up now for 2025!

2025 Membership Registration Is Now OPEN

$55 Membership Fee for the 9-Hole Development TOUR

$115 Membership Fee for the 18-hole Players TOUR

Open to Boys & Girls ages 8-18 – No residence restrictions

The Junior Golf Association aims to provide the highest-level golf experience for youth golfers of all skill levels. Each level of our TOUR provides golfers the proper course set-up and experience level so that each player can develop and learn at their own pace. We hope to foster a love of the game that will last far beyond the Junior TOUR.  There is no membership requirement for Champions TOUR events.

Junior TOUR Policies & Procedures

2025 Spectator Policy

2025 Caddy Policy (Development TOUR only)

Rules of Golf Beginners Guide

Returning GHIN members can activate their handicap by clicking the appropriate link (CSGA) (Mass Golf)

2024 Results

2023 Results

2022 Results


Membership Benefits

Junior Golf Association members will receive the following:

  1. JGA Gift;
  2. JGA members will have access to the Players TOUR and Development TOUR events;
  3. Player Profile with statistics on Connecticut Section PGA website;
  4. Complimentary entrance into the Travelers Championship (Juniors 15 & Under w/ticketed adult); and
  5. Complimentary USGA GHIN Number
    1. Click Here for Connecticut Resident
    2. Click Here for Massachusetts Resident

Membership Certification

It is recommended that each junior that is new to the Junior TOUR consult with their PGA/LPGA instructor to ensure they begin at the appropriate Junior TOUR level of play. Please utilize the online form below.

By signing off on this form the PGA Professional and junior golfer acknowledges that they have a basic understanding of the rules of golf, an ability to keep score for themselves and their playing partners, golf etiquette, and an understanding of the spectator policy.

PGA Certification Form

Must be signed for Junior Golf Association Membership Activation

  • Please list the Coach's name, not the name of the junior
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.